艺术家数字资产管理 访问量:1733480




《中巴足球友谊赛》 里约奥运会,里约热内卢,巴西
Huang Jian’s Sculpture Exhibition, the launching ceremony of “London Polo”, China’s International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China;『黄剑雕塑展暨2012•黄剑雕塑<2012伦敦马球图》启动仪式』,中国国际展览中心,北京,中国;
international tour (2011 • Beijing) of Huang Jian’s Sculpture "Olympic Polo ", China’s International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China;
2011 "Focused melody - the Sculpture Exhibition in National Grand Theatre", National Grand Theater, Beijing, China;
"Beijing’s Eighteenth Reporting Show for Engineering and Construction Design” ;
Planning and Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China;
"Culture Exhibition of Juan Antonio Samaranch and China", Ancestral Temple of Forbidden City, Beijing, China;
"2011 China • International Sculpture Exhibition ﹠City S culpture Innovation", Home of Pl anners, Langfang, China;
“Flowers Fragrance”-Huang Jian’s SculptureExh ibition, Xinhewan, Bei jing, China ;
"2 11 China ’s Open Polo Competition"- Huang Jian’s Sculpture Exhibition, Chinese Polo and Equestrian Club, Beijing, China;
Urban Sculptures by Huang Jian, Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, Beijing, China;
Sculptures by Huang Jian, China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China ;
Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei Playing Polo for Olympic Games Exhibition, Bicycle ;
Competition Hall of Beijing Olympic Games, Beijing, China;
2010 National Achievements of Sculptural Art Exhibition and Nominated Sculptures by Sculpture Magazine Exhibition, National Treasures Garden, Beijing, China;
Eleventh Asian Art Festival: Sculptures by Huang Jian, Genghis Khan Square, Erdos, China;
2009 Eleventh National Arts Exhibition, Changchun International Sculpture Garden, Changchun, China;
Creative China Art Exhibition in Celebration of the First Anniversary of Beijing Olympic Games, Gohua Exhibition Center, Beijing, China;
China National Urban Sculpture Exhibition in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China, Binzhou Exhibition Center, Binzhou, China;
China Dynamics: 2009 China International Sculptu re Yearbook Exhibition, Gallery of Beijing InternationalSculptureSection,Beijing, China;
Gorgeous Colors: Multi-colored Gold Public Art by Huang Jian, Changchun International Sculpture Park, Changchun, China;
Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei Playing Polo Exhibition, Beijing Mind City Wall Relics Park, Beijing, China;
Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei Playing Polo for Olympic Games Exhibition, Bicycle Competition Hall of Beijing Olympic Games, Beijing, China;
2008 Third China Beijing International Cultural and Creative Industry Expo. Beijing International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China;
Emperor Xuanzong a nd Yang Guifei Playing Polo, a group of sculptures for Olym pic Games, China National Art Museum, Beijing, China;
Olympic Ar ts Convent ion, Beijing Internati onal Exhi bition Center, Beijing, China;
Gorgeous Colors: Multi-colored Gold Public Art by Huang Jian, Shanghai World Trade and Commerce Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China;
2007 Harmony in Difference: China Contemporary Nominated Sculpture Exhibition, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China ;
First China Pan-sculpture Exhibition, Shanghai World Trade and Commerce Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China;
Oriental Voice: Huang Jian’s Public Art exhibition, Cincinnati Exhibition Hall, the United States;
Public Art by Huang Jian, Cincinnati Exhibition Hall, the United States;
Public Art by Huang Jian, China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China;
Tenth China National Arts Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China;
Huang Jian’s Art, the gallery of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China;
  • 2022年 荣获“奥运艺术大使”荣誉称号
  • 2020年 荣获“传承奥林匹克精神杰出贡献奖”
  • 2011年 《仙乐飘飘》荣获“2011联合国和平奖”;
  • 2011年 Won the "2011 China Environment Art Awards for Outstanding Contributions";
    "Heavenly Music Floating in the Air” won the "2011 United Nations Peace Prize.";
    "Rare Earth Blue Diamond" won the "2011 China Environment Art Award for Best Practices ";
    "Court Ladies Adorning Their Hair with Flowers" won the "2011 China Environment Art Award for Bestractices ";
  • 2010年 《中华五天门》荣获“2010中国十大金牌策划案例奖”;
  • 2010年 "Da Guang Ming Bridge " won the "2011 China Environment Art Award for Best Practices ";
    "Five China’s Heavenly Gate" won the "2010 Top Ten Case Planning Gold Award in China ";
  • 2009年 《上海佘山国家旅游度假区雕塑规划》荣获“2009中国环境艺术规划奖”;
  • 2009年 "Picking Lotus" "Court Ladies Adorning Their Hair with Flowers" and "Polo " won the "2010 China’snnovation Award for Sculpture;
    Sculpture Project of Sheshan National Tourism Resort, Shanghai, 2009 China Environmental Art ProjeAward;
  • 2008年 《明皇贵妃马球图》荣获“2008中国环境艺术奖”;
  • 2008年 Rose Garden, Best Representative Project Award of 2009 China Environmental Art;
    Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei Playing Polo, 2008 China Environmental Art Award;
    Rose Pavilion, 2008 China Environmental Art Award;
    Rose Pavilion, 2008 China Environmental Art Award;
    Xuelu Beer Garden, 2008 China Environmental Art Award;
  • 荣获“2011中国环境艺术奖杰出贡献奖”;
  • 《七彩金作品》荣获中国首届“泛雕塑展”金手指奖;
  • 《泰达之花》被评为第一个“中国环境艺术示范景观雕塑”;
  • 《金石为开》荣获“奥林匹克公园城市雕塑设计方案”佳作奖;
  • 《奥运之峰》荣获“奥林匹克公园城市雕塑设计方案”佳作奖;
  • 《贝壳系列》荣获“第十三届中国艺术博览会”金奖;
  • TAIDA Fashion Square, 2008 China Environmental Art Award
  • Multi-colored Gold Sculpture, Golden Fingers Award of First China Pan-sculpture Exhibition
  • Flowers of TAIDA, the First Best Representative Public Sculpture of China Environmental Art
  • Split Mottos stone, Best Project Award of the Urban Sculpture Projects of Olympic Games Park
  • Peak of Olympic Games, Best Project Award of the Urban Sculpture Projects of Olympic Games Park
  • Shell Series, Golden Award of 13th China Art Expo


